Carolina DX Association W4DXA

EDT - -      GMT

CDXA Frequent Contester Program -- Overview

To promote activity in our great and unique hobby by maintaining, improving, learning new skills through contest participation, and have fun. Scores do not matter; participation time is the only metric.
All CDXA members in good standing with annual dues paid by June 1st of the program year and that have submitted at least 5 different contest scores. Eligible contests and their point values are on the CDXA website at: contest_corner.php.
Data Source
Contest results must be submitted to 3830scores after logs are sent to contest sponsors. Participants must include both the "Op Time" and the "Club Name" for every submittal. For a member participating in a multi-op station their score will be 1/X where "X" is the number of operators. If a club member lives part time in two different areas with two call signs then their total points will be the sum of the points scored for each call. Scores will be collected monthly and include all scores submitted during that calendar month. Scores are submitted here:
The score that an operator receives for participation in a contest is the number of hours operated multiplied by the point value of the contest. For example, operating 8 hours in a 10-point contest would result in 80 participation points. The sum of contest points for all contests provides the member's accumulated points.
We established achievement levels to provide targets that encourage members to attain the next level of recognition as follows:
  • Bronze - 100 to 499 points;
  • Silver - 500 to 999 points;
  • Gold - 1,000 to 1,999 points;
  • Platinum - 2,000 to 2,999 points, and;
  • Diamond - 3,000 points.
  • BRONZE - Raffle for one $25 Gift Card
  • SILVER - Raffle for one $50 Gift Card
  • Gold - Raffle for one $75 Gift Card
  • PLATINUM - Raffle for one $100 Gift Card
  • DIAMOND - Raffle for one $150 Gift Card
I will make sure that the program is as fair as possible to all by adjudicating inconsistent hour's vs QSO totals. For those who disagree, you can send me either your log file or ADI file and I will analyze them with SH5. SH5 shows the actual operating time which is different than N1MM which only shows off-times of 30 minutes or more. I will then chose an hour value between SH5 and reported time.

For further information see the November/December 2020 issue of "The Pileup" .

Ray Weeks, N4APR
Carolina DX Association
5010 Sharon Rd. D 401
Charlotte, NC 28210
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